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India’s Cricket Community App

Join ScoreChamp and cheer with crazy cricket fans

Download App!

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Celebrating wickets with solo dance?

Discuss cricket with crazy fans in your favourite FanZone
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 Are you a Cricket Expert?

Join ScoreChamp !
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For the advertisements pushed by ScoreChamp in your community, we will be giving you the money generated from the ads.

Milestone Rewards

Every time your FanZone hits a milestone, we have a Cash Prize waiting for you! 🎁💸

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Check this out !

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How To Earn Money as a Cricket Expert on ScoreChamp App?

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Create your cricket community on ScoreChamp and start earning.

Fill in the details to get started.

Thanks for submitting!

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Want to stay on top of the game?

Catch all the latest contents in one convenient scroll
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Strategy Games

Face-off against others to become the best
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